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Chaos Player, NEW license for 12 months
Chaos Player, NEW license for 12 months
Chaos Player, NEW license for 12 months
Chaos Player, NEW license for 12 months
Chaos Player, NEW license for 12 months
Chaos Player, NEW license for 12 months
Chaos Player, NEW license for 12 months
Chaos Player, NEW license for 12 months
Chaos Player, NEW license for 12 months

Chaos Player, NEW license for 12 months

  • Chaos Player is a professional image sequence player designed for fast and smooth playback — and more.
468,42 zł
/ szt. brutto
Produkt dostępny
Produkt dostępny
Bezpieczne zakupy

Chaos Player is a professional image sequence player designed for fast and smooth playback of high-resolution image sequences. It supports all industry-standard formats. With its smart and efficient caching system, Chaos Player helps users fast-forward their digital review workflow by allowing them to view their own or their team’s animation output in playback as soon as it’s rendered. Chaos Player is powered up for basic compositing, color grading, and editing in real-time — even while playback is running. It also offers tools for broadcasting and remote collaboration.

What it’s used for

Chaos Player can be used across a number of different industries producing animation output. Here are the main ones:

  • Visual effects in film & television
  • Automotive and product design
  • Motion graphics
  • Advertising
  • Architectural visualization

Chaos Player user personas

The 3D artist

Any 3D artist who is involved in the creation of rendered animation output.
▪ Needs to review their own work
▪ Shares their work internally with their team, other teams in the organization, or their supervisor/manager

The supervisor

Any supervisor or manager who is involved in reviewing rendered animation output. This might include VFX/CG
supervisors, VFX editors, technical directors, assistant directors, production coordinators/managers, etc.
▪ Needs to review artists’ work
▪ Provides feedback on reviewed work
▪ Shares the reviewed work internally with their team or other teams in the organization
▪ Shares a preview with the client

The tech-check professional

Any professional whose responsibilities include inspecting files for technical issues in the final stages before
the project delivery.
▪ Needs to review files before they are processed by artists/compositors
▪ Compares shots using A/B wipes

The marketing team member

Internal marketing team members who have requested an animation from the 3D team, which they will be
using for the purposes of their campaigns.
▪ Needs to review sequences shared by the 3D team
▪ Might also need to quickly arrange shots, cut sequences, or add animated fade effects

Key benefits for users

Speed. Designed for fast, smooth playback of highresolution image sequences.

Smart. Newly rendered and updated frames are loaded instantly thanks to Chaos Player’s smart and efficient caching system.

Remote work. Broadcast and collaborate with your teams with intuitive markup and annotation tools.

Power. Create multi-layered compositions, playback and make changes in real-time.

Control. Composite, color grade and edit layers while playback is running.

Professional quality. Work seamlessly in high dynamic range and output to all industry standard formats.

Czas trwania licencji / subskrypcji
12 miesięcy
Minimalna liczba towaru w zamówieniu hurtowymWięcej
Minimalna liczba towaru w zamówieniu hurtowym
Minimalna liczba towaru w zamówieniu hurtowym
Potrzebujesz pomocy? Masz pytania?Zadaj pytanie a my odpowiemy niezwłocznie, najciekawsze pytania i odpowiedzi publikując dla innych.
Zapytaj o produkt
Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.
Napisz swoją opinię
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4.91 / 5.00 58 opinii
Zaufane Opinie IdoSell
Szybka i rzetelna obsługa. Bardzo dobry kontakt. Serdecznie polecam :)

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